All Questions From Pages About alternate text

miamioh.eduAesthetic or Instructional Image?
help.blackboard.comu0027s missing or not helpful?
help.blackboard.comNot sure how to write effective alternative descriptions?
help.blackboard.comWhat is a decorative image?
help.blackboard.comWhy are alternative image descriptions important?
help.blackboard.comNot sure which product?
indesign.uservoice.comAlternate text for hyperlinks' - what do you think?
indesign.uservoice.comWhere is the property in scripting DOM?
indesign.uservoice.comNo news about this?
indesign.uservoice.comShould I do two different bug reports with Alternate Text for Hyperlinks and the IDML and IDMS issues?
indesign.uservoice.comAre you sure you want to delete your comment?
indesign.uservoice.comAre you sure you want to delete your idea?
indesign.uservoice.comAre you sure you want to delete your attachment?
indesign.uservoice.comnAre you sure you want to remove yourself from this idea?
www.sevell.comwhat is your business address?
www.sevell.comWhat is the phone number to a business?
www.sevell.comSEO or Google Ads?
www.sevell.comWhat is an Alternate Text field?
www.sevell.comWhat is an Alternate Text field used for?
www.sevell.comIf you're a total nerd, you can add Alt Text directly into the HTML of your code, but who wants to do that?
www.sevell.comWhat's the difference between Alt Text fields and captions?
www.sevell.comWhat if you don't put an Alt Text description in?
www.sevell.comThen what happens?
www.sevell.comWould you like to speak to a human?
accessibility.oit.ncsu.eduWhat were you hoping to convey visually to users with that image?
www.techopedia.comA text-generating AI that?s so good, the company deemed it too dangerous to release?
www.techopedia.comWhen Will AI Replace Writers?
www.techopedia.comWhere are IoT applications being used, where can they be used better, and what does the year 2021 have in store?
www.techopedia.comWhat does secure browsing mean?
www.techopedia.comWhat does 'mobile compatible' mean?
it.cornell.eduHaving an IT-related event?
guides.cuny.eduHow to create good alt-text?
guides.cuny.eduWhat is the context and purpose of this image/graphic?
guides.cuny.eduInaccessible - Can you Hear the Difference?
guides.cuny.eduHow does automatic alt text work on Facebook?
guides.cuny.eduHow do I edit the alternative text for a photo on Facebook?
blogs.perficient.comDid I mention I love video games?
blogs.perficient.comSounds easy enough, right?
blogs.perficient.comyuck, but what can you do?
etc.usf.eduHow do I add people to my Buddy List in iChat?
etc.usf.edut want to chat with me on iChat?
etc.usf.eduHow do I change my buddy icon in iChat?
etc.usf.eduHow do I change my online status in iChat?
etc.usf.eduHow do I chat with more than one buddy at a time with iChat?
etc.usf.eduHow do I send a file using iChat?
etc.usf.eduHow do I set up iChat?
etc.usf.eduHow do I start a a chat in iChat?
etc.usf.edut, can I still do a video chat?
etc.usf.eduWhat are emoticons, and how do I use them in iChat?
etc.usf.eduWhat do all those abbreviations used in chat mean?
etc.usf.eduWhat do I need to install in order to get started with chat?
etc.usf.eduHow do I encourage my students to stay on task while using the computer?
etc.usf.eduHow do I ensure that my students take good care of the computers we have in our classroom?
etc.usf.eduHow do I minimize disruptions due to technical problems?
etc.usf.eduHow do I promote collaborative learning using the computers in my classroom?
etc.usf.eduI only have one computer, how do I implement technology in my classroom?
etc.usf.eduHow do I add a link to a webpage in my message?
etc.usf.eduHow do I check my mailbox for new messages?
etc.usf.eduHow do I create a signature to appear at the end of my emails?
etc.usf.eduHow do I create an email list?
etc.usf.eduHow do I hide the names of my mailing list recipients?
etc.usf.eduHow do I know who is really sending me an email?
etc.usf.eduHow do I reply to or forward an email?
etc.usf.eduHow do I save a file sent to me?
etc.usf.eduHow do I send an email?
etc.usf.eduHow do I set up my email account in Mail?
etc.usf.eduWhat are rules, and how do I use them to manage my email?
etc.usf.eduand how do I protect myself from it?
etc.usf.eduWhat is an attachment, and how do I send one?
etc.usf.eduWhat is good email Netiquette?
etc.usf.eduCan I open files created with a PC on my Mac?
etc.usf.eduHow do I assign labels to my folders?
etc.usf.eduHow do I change the program that opens a type of file on my computer?
etc.usf.eduHow do I compress files to make them smaller?
etc.usf.eduHow do I connect two Macs to share files using a Firewire cable?
etc.usf.eduHow do I create a copy of a file?
etc.usf.eduHow do I delete files or folders?
etc.usf.eduHow do I find out how much disk space I have free to store files on my computer?
etc.usf.eduHow do I install programs on my computer?
etc.usf.eduHow do I rename a file or folder?
etc.usf.eduHow do I save my work on a Mac?
etc.usf.eduHow do I share files between Macs and PCs over a network?
etc.usf.eduHow do I share files between Macs over the network?
etc.usf.eduHow do I switch between open applications using my keyboard?
etc.usf.eduHow do I use the Finder to manage my files and folders?
etc.usf.eduHow do I view the properties of a file or folder?
etc.usf.eduWhat is an alias, and how do I create one?
etc.usf.eduWhat is Expos??
etc.usf.eduWhat is Spotlight, and how do I use it to search for files on my computer?
etc.usf.eduWhat is the Dock, and how do I use it?
etc.usf.eduHow can I clean my computer?
etc.usf.eduHow do I burn a CD on my Mac?
etc.usf.eduHow do I change the default printer?
etc.usf.eduHow do I connect a digital camera to my computer to download pictures of my students?
etc.usf.eduHow do I connect my laptop to a projector?
etc.usf.eduHow do I create a computer-to-computer wireless network?
etc.usf.eduHow do I install a printer on my Mac?
etc.usf.eduHow do I manage print jobs on my Mac?
etc.usf.eduHow do I print in landscape?
etc.usf.eduHow do I print in on the Mac?
etc.usf.eduHow do I safely remove a USB device from my computer?
etc.usf.eduHow do I share a printer?
etc.usf.edut connect to my network, what should I do?
etc.usf.edut print, what should I do?
etc.usf.eduWhat is a flash drive?
etc.usf.eduWhat is Firewire?
etc.usf.eduWhat is USB?
etc.usf.eduHow do I get images on my computer?
etc.usf.eduHow do I reduce the file size of an image?
etc.usf.eduHow do I use Flickr to create online presentations?
etc.usf.eduHow many megapixels do I need my camera to have?
etc.usf.eduWhat are some tips for taking better pictures?
etc.usf.eduWhat are the differences between the file formats used to save images?
etc.usf.eduWhat is bit depth?
etc.usf.eduWhat is Flickr?
etc.usf.eduWhat is resolution?
etc.usf.eduWhat is the difference between bitmap and vector images?
etc.usf.eduWhat is the difference between optical and digital zoom?
etc.usf.eduWhat resolution should I use when I scan my images?
etc.usf.eduWhat is the World Wide Web?
etc.usf.eduWhat is the Internet?
etc.usf.eduWhat is a web browser?
etc.usf.eduHow do I use my web browser to navigate the Web?
etc.usf.eduWhat is a 404 error and what should I do if I get one?
etc.usf.eduWhat is a plugin?
etc.usf.eduHow do I install it?
etc.usf.eduWhat is a cookie?
etc.usf.eduWhat is social bookmarking?
etc.usf.eduWhat is tabbed browsing, and how do I use it?
etc.usf.eduHow should my students cite a web page?
etc.usf.eduHow do I create a webpage?
etc.usf.eduHow is writing for the web different?
etc.usf.eduHow do I make my web pages accessible?
etc.usf.eduWhat is blogging and how can I use it as a classroom activity?
etc.usf.eduWhat is a wiki?
etc.usf.eduHow do I use online map services?
etc.usf.eduWhat is Google Earth?
etc.usf.eduWhat is a podcast and how do I create one?
etc.usf.eduWhat is Netiquette?
etc.usf.eduHow do I connect to the Web?
etc.usf.eduHow do I control all those pop-up windows?
etc.usf.eduHow do I bookmark a site I like so I can view it later?
etc.usf.eduHow can I share bookmarks with my students?
etc.usf.eduHow can my students know if a web source is reliable?
etc.usf.eduHow can I check to see what sites my students have been visiting?
etc.usf.eduHow can I save a local copy of a website to show to my students in a room with no Internet connection?
etc.usf.eduHow do I back up my photos using Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I build a web gallery using Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I capture video from my video camera using Windows Movie Maker?
etc.usf.eduHow do I create a movie in Windows Movie Maker?
etc.usf.eduHow do I create a slideshow using Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I create a web album in Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I crop images using Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I edit audio with Windows Movie Maker?
etc.usf.eduHow do I edit video clips with Windows Movie Maker?
etc.usf.eduHow do I email pictures using Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I fix the colors in my images using Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I import content into Windows Movie Maker?
etc.usf.eduHow do I import photos from my digital camera using Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I narrate a movie with Windows Movie Maker?
etc.usf.eduHow do I order prints using Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I print my pictures using Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I remove red eye from my images using Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I search in Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I straighten an image using Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I turn a color image into a black and white image with Picasa?
etc.usf.eduHow do I use Picasa to manage my photo collection?
etc.usf.eduWhat are the main parts of the Picasa interface?
etc.usf.eduWhat is Picasa and how do I install it on my computer?
etc.usf.eduWhat is Windows Movie Maker?
etc.usf.eduHow do I add people to my contact list in Windows Messenger?
etc.usf.edut want to chat with me with Windows Messenger?
etc.usf.eduHow do I change my online status with Windows Messenger?
etc.usf.eduHow do I chat with more than one buddy at a time with Windows Messenger?
etc.usf.eduHow do I send a file using Windows Messenger?
etc.usf.eduHow do I set up Windows Messenger?
etc.usf.eduHow do I start a text chat in Windows Messenger?
etc.usf.eduHow do I start a Video Chat in Windows Messenger?
etc.usf.eduHow do I start a voice chat in Windows Messenger?
etc.usf.eduHow do I use the whiteboard feature in Windows Messenger?
etc.usf.eduWhat are emoticons, and how do I use them in Windows Messenger?
etc.usf.eduCan I open files created with a Mac on my Windows computer?
etc.usf.eduHow can I backup my files?
etc.usf.eduHow do I connect to a shared folder on the network?
etc.usf.eduHow do I create a shared folder that I can use to share files with my students?
etc.usf.eduHow do I delete files in Windows?
etc.usf.eduHow do I find out how much space I have free to store files on my computer?
etc.usf.eduHow do I install and uninstall programs on my computer?
etc.usf.eduHow do I protect my data from viruses?
etc.usf.eduHow do I rename a file in Windows?
etc.usf.eduHow do I save my work in Windows?
etc.usf.eduHow do I search for a file on my computer?
etc.usf.eduHow do I share files between Windows and Mac computers?
etc.usf.eduHow do I use Windows Explorer to manage my files and folders?
etc.usf.eduWhat is a shortcut, and how do I create one?
etc.usf.eduWhat is the proper way to name a file in Windows?
etc.usf.eduHow do I protect my computer while using email?
etc.usf.eduWhat do I need to install to use email?
etc.usf.eduHow can I clean up my hard drive to create more space?
etc.usf.eduHow do I burn a CD in Windows XP ?
etc.usf.eduHow do I install a printer in Windows XP?
etc.usf.eduHow do I manage print jobs in Windows XP?
etc.usf.eduHow do I print in Windows XP?
etc.usf.eduHow do I scan my hard drive for errors?
etc.usf.eduWhat is defragmenting and how do I do it?
etc.usf.eduWhat is system restore and how do I use it?
etc.usf.eduHow do I keep my computer secure while surfing the Web?
etc.usf.eduWhat is spyware and how do I get rid of it?
accessible-pdf.infoHave you noticed a mistake or is something missing?
community.canvaslms.comHow do I manage alt text and display options for images embedded in the New Rich Content Editor as a student?
community.canvaslms.comarticle How do I manage alt text and display options for images embedded in the New Rich Content Editor as a student?
community.canvaslms.comHow do I upload and embed media from an external source in the New Rich Content Editor as a student?
community.canvaslms.comHow do I manage video options in the New Rich Content Editor as a student?
community.canvaslms.comHow do I select content from an external app in the New Rich Content Editor as a student?
community.canvaslms.comHow do I view captions in a video in the New Rich Content Editor as a student?
community.canvaslms.comHow do I use the Course Home Page as a student?
answers.acrobatusers.comis this a major problem?
answers.acrobatusers.comTOC shows on the page and then can have alt text?
talkingpdf.orgTired of retyping the same alt text for an image you use all the time?
talkingpdf.orgt it be great if the Alt text could travel with the image and all an author would have to do is locate the alt text attached to that image and put it in the proper location for the word processor, desktop publishing application, PDF file or web page that?s now displaying the image?
www.evms.eduCan't find an answer to your question in our T4 documentation?
engineering.linkedin.comis the feed fully inclusive for all LinkedIn members?
engineering.linkedin.comFor instance, can a member who has a vision disability still enjoy rich media on the feed?
engineering.linkedin.comCan a member in an area with limited bandwidth, which could stop an image from fully loading, still have the complete feed experience?
engineering.linkedin.comWhy alternative text descriptions?
engineering.linkedin.comWhat are the challenges of generating automatic text descriptions?
sendpulse.comDo you need SendPulse logo?
sendpulse.coman Email Finder?
sendpulse.comEmail Subscriber Value?
commonlook.comWhat Does PDF Accessibility Cost?
commonlook.comOne of the first determinations to be made is why the image being used in the document?
commonlook.comDoes the image provide additional information, or expand upon the text in the document? do I put the alternative text? Intelligent Services?
techtalk.strose.eduHow would the message of your content change if you took the image out?
techtalk.strose.eduWhat is the image conveying that is necessary to your course or lesson?
techtalk.strose.eduHow do I write effective alt text?
techtalk.strose.eduWhat about that particular image spoke to you?
techtalk.strose.eduWhy did you choose that one over the others available?
techtalk.strose.eduif you take the image away, what would be lost from your message?
techtalk.strose.eduWhat about maps, art, or other more complex images?
techtalk.strose.eduWhat is the content of the map showing the viewer?
techtalk.strose.eduWhat will your user be doing with the information?
techtalk.strose.eduWhat?s the difference between alt text and a caption?
techtalk.strose.eduDo I have to put alt text on every image?
techtalk.strose.eduWhat if some of them are merely decorative?
techtalk.strose.eduHow do I put alt text on an image?
dequeuniversity.comWhy is the non-text content here?
dequeuniversity.comWhat information is it presenting?
dequeuniversity.comWhat purpose does it fulfill?
dequeuniversity.comIf I could not use the non-text content, what words would I use to convey the same information or function?
accessibility.colostate.eduWhat is the context of the image?
accessibility.colostate.eduWhat meaning does it add to the page?
accessibility.psu.eduIf you need to know which credit cards are accepted, which would be the better ALT text?
accessibility.psu.eduIs it within a history course?
accessibility.psu.edua course on climatic history?
accessibility.psu.eduIs the point of the image to show how solidiers were dressed or that LaFayette was at Valley Forge?
www.lireo.comWhy Were People Celebrating?
www.lireo.comhow does it read?
www.lireo.comDo I need to do something to enable alt text?
www.lireo.comDoes alt text work on Twitter apps?
www.lireo.comDoes alt text work with Twitter on the web?
www.lireo.comHow many characters do I have for alt text?
www.lireo.coms accessibility team?
www.lireo.coms changes from last week?
www.lireo.comIs your website being found?
mrwweb.comI am curios though, how would one go about integrating a transcript of an audio file which is playable from an embedded player?
mrwweb.comSo would providing a download link to the text transcript version of an audio file with an embedded player meet ADA accessibility guidelines?
mrwweb.comInstead of displaying such text on the same page as the embedded player?
mrwweb.comwill it hurt my seo to add alt text that has underscores_like_this ?
mrwweb.comdo I NEED to write each word out with a space?
www.yola.comWhat is alt text, and why do your photos need it?
www.yola.comWhat are keywords and why are they important?
www.yola.comWhat are your experiences with alt text?
www.yola.comHas it positively affected your SEO?
www.csn.eduIs it an actual image or is it a figure derived from some random scan ink mark on the page?
polaris.shopify.comStuck on how to replace a complicated word?
polaris.shopify.comIf you take out a word, is the phrase just as easy to understand?
polaris.shopify.comDoes it need a branded name?
polaris.shopify.comWhat are voice and tone? access Yammer? is alternative text? access Yammer?
library.gwu.eduWhat would you like to find at the libraries today?
library.gwu.edumyQuery already has the AQB?
www.facebook.comDo you want to log in or join Facebook?
cat.xula.eduSo, how can you add alt text to images?
www.deque.comWho Uses Alt Text, Anyway?
www.deque.comWhen Do Images Need Alt Text?
www.deque.comWhat happens if I remove them?
www.deque.comIs there text directly next to the icon?
www.deque.comIf there is text, does it describe exactly what the icon is for?
www.deque.comIf the icon is a link or a button, where does it go?
www.deque.comWhen Should Alt Text Be Written, and Who Should Write It?
www.hassellinclusion.comFigure and figcaption - extended alternate text for screen readers?
www.hassellinclusion.comSo could this be used as a good way of handling images with captions, for everyone?
www.hassellinclusion.comextended alternate text for screen readers?
www.hassellinclusion.comThis led me to thinking, when we?re considering alternative text, are there occasions where it might be useful to go beyond the alt attribute?
www.hassellinclusion.comBeyond the alt attribute?
www.hassellinclusion.comelements in a way that makes sense to their users, could this be a good way of providing alternative text in situations where sighted users would benefit from it too?
www.washington.eduAre there guidelines for describing complex images?
www.washington.eduWhat is the current recommendation for providing long descriptions for complex graphics?
www.washington.eduWhat constitutes good alt text?
accessibility.princeton.eduWhy is This Wrong?
accessibility.princeton.eduWhy is This Right?
accessibility.princeton.eduDo images?have alternative text?
accessibility.princeton.eduDoes the alternative text accurately reflect the image content?
www.accessibilityoz.comMark, why are your plates so huge and so visible?
www.accessibilityoz.comaccessible for whom?
www.accessibilityoz.comBut what about mobile apps?
www.accessibilityoz.comIs it accessibility?
www.accessibilityoz.comHow can AccessibilityOz help you during this time?
www.accessibilityoz.coms wrong with providing a separate site for people with disabilities?
www.accessibilityoz.comHow Do You Make Them Accessible?
www.accessibilityoz.comWhich is the most accessible video player?
www.accessibilityoz.comDid someone say map?

See all questions from pages about alternate text