All Questions From Pages About algorithms

blog.hootsuite.comHow Does the YouTube Algorithm Work?
blog.hootsuite.comLooking to increase your YouTube video views?
blog.hootsuite.comSo how do you optimize your channel and videos to work with it, not against it?
blog.hootsuite.comfind what they want to watch?
blog.hootsuite.comHow does the YouTube algorithm work in 2020?
blog.hootsuite.comWhich channels and topics have they watched in the past?
blog.hootsuite.comWhat have they engaged with in the past?
blog.hootsuite.comHow much time do they spend watching?
blog.hootsuite.comHow many times has this video already been surfaced for this person?
blog.hootsuite.comWhat don?t they watch?
blog.hootsuite.comDad, How Do I?
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blog.hootsuite.comBecause no one needs a recommendation algorithm if people trust your recommendations, right?
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blog.hootsuite.comWhere and how might they be watching it?
en.wikipedia.orgBut what about a simulation or execution of the real thing?
en.wikipedia.orgBut what model should be used for the simulation?
en.wikipedia.orgIs the remainder zero?
en.wikipedia.orgDoes an algorithm do what its author wants it to do?
en.wikipedia.orgWhat happens when one number is zero, both numbers are zero?
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en.wikipedia.orgthat is, it computes the function intended by its author?then the question becomes, can it be improved?
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en.wikipedia.orgWas al-Khwarizmi an applied algebraist?
en.wikipedia.orgAre we comparing algorithms or implementations?
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www.flocabulary.comHow can you tell that this algorithm for making lasagna is precise, in the right order and efficient?
www.flocabulary.comWhat would happen to the turtle if he followed this algorithm?
www.flocabulary.comWhich algorithm would you use if your turtle needed to pass through the top row of the maze?
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www.flocabulary.comWhat does the little turtle dude need to do?
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techterms.comHow often would you like to receive an email?
socialmediacollective.orgwhat are algorithms?
socialmediacollective.orgWill Computers Dehumanize Education?
socialmediacollective.orgWhy Do White People Have Thin Lips?
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socialmediacollective.orgCan legal codes hold software accountable for code that kills?
socialmediacollective.orgPower through the Algorithm?
socialmediacollective.orgWhat Does Machine Learning Want?
socialmediacollective.orgWhat Can An Algorithm Do?
socialmediacollective.orgHow to think about an algorithm?
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socialmediacollective.orgIs Chess the Drosophila of Artificial Intelligence?
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medium.comWhat is an AI Algorithm?
medium.comWhat makes the difference between a regular Algorithm and a Machine Learning Algorithm?
study.comWhat is a Computer Algorithm?
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study.comHow Do Algorithms Work?
study.comWhat is an Algorithm in Programming?
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study.comWhat does the level of a binary search tree mean in relation to its searching efficiency and why?
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edu.gcfglobal.orgs a word that gets thrown around a lot, but what does it mean exactly?
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machinelearningmastery.comBack-Propagation is clearly a training algorithm, whereas a Hopfield Network is probably a classifier?
machinelearningmastery.comstart learning about this algorithms?
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machinelearningmastery.comFirst of all, by LDA, do you mean Linear Discriminant Analysis ?
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machinelearningmastery.comAre these considered Estimators?
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machinelearningmastery.comCould you please expand on your thought process?
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machinelearningmastery.comt it right?
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machinelearningmastery.comof the various discrete factors at the onset?
machinelearningmastery.comDid you find any solution for this?
machinelearningmastery.comI wanted to ask how do you know which type of branch/algorithm in machine learning would be more useful for investing?
machinelearningmastery.comPerhaps check one of your other email folders?
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machinelearningmastery.comusing supervised learning and regression analysis?
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machinelearningmastery.comWhat about Best-subset Selection, Stepwise selection, Backward Selection as Dimension reduction?
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machinelearningmastery.comWhy not just use your rules directly Vicky?
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machinelearningmastery.comm new in Machine learning and i have a question,, all the algorithm can i use it in the supervised learning ?
machinelearningmastery.comand how to know what is the best model can i use it for the classification image?
machinelearningmastery.comWhere is the fourth one ?
machinelearningmastery.comEverywhere on internet it comes under the supervised learning style classified a scluster classification so is it a part of learning style?
machinelearningmastery.comStill not sure why should it be ?
machinelearningmastery.comHow do we decide which machine learning algorithm to use for a specified problem?
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whatis.techtarget.comWhat is algorithm?
whatis.techtarget.comCan work allocation algorithms play fair?
whatis.techtarget.comWhat has using a predictive algorithm helped you achieve?
www.tandfonline.comShould we treat them as lines of code, as objects, or should we see them as social processes in which the social world is embodied in the substrate of the code?
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www.khanacademy.orgWhat is an algorithm and why should you care?
www.khanacademy.orgis a string a palindrome?
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www.webfx.comYou've probably heard of Google algorithms, but do you know what they are?
www.webfx.comBut have you ever wondered what they are, exactly?
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www.webfx.comWhat Is a Google Algorithm?
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github.comOther programming languages?
www.britannica.comwhat are the quotient and the remainder?
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mashable.comWhat is an algorithm, anyway?
mashable.comin general ? do they really know what it means?
mashable.comSee how specific you have to be to make a computer follow a seemingly simple set of instructions?
mashable.comAnd it's usually a combination of things like how much do you care about the people that produced directly or indirectly that post?
www.brookings.eduWhat is artificial intelligence?
www.brookings.eduBut, how can operators of algorithms assess whether their results are, indeed, biased?
www.brookings.eduThis may be unfortunate, but is it fair?
www.brookings.eduIf the goal is to avoid reinforcing inequalities, what, then, should developers and operators of algorithms do to mitigate potential biases?
www.brookings.eduWill we leave some groups of people worse off as a result of the algorithm?s design or its unintended consequences?
www.brookings.eduWhich automated decisions?
www.brookings.eduWhat are the user incentives?
www.brookings.eduHow are stakeholders being engaged?
www.brookings.eduWhat will the automated decision do?
www.brookings.eduWho is the audience for the algorithm and who will be most affected by it?
www.brookings.eduDo we have training data to make the correct predictions about the decision?
www.brookings.eduIs the training data sufficiently diverse and reliable?
www.brookings.eduWhat is the data lifecycle of the algorithm?
www.brookings.eduWhich groups are we worried about when it comes to training data errors, disparate treatment, and impact?
www.brookings.eduHow will potential bias be detected?
www.brookings.eduHow and when will the algorithm be tested?
www.brookings.eduWho will be the targets for testing?
www.brookings.eduWhat will be the threshold for measuring and correcting for bias in the algorithm, especially as it relates to protected groups?
www.brookings.eduWhat are the operator incentives?
www.brookings.eduWhat will we gain in the development of the algorithm?
www.brookings.eduWhat are the potential bad outcomes and how will we know?
www.brookings.eduwill we make the design process of the algorithm to internal partners, clients, and customers?
www.brookings.eduWhat intervention will be taken if we predict that there might be bad outcomes associated with the development or deployment of the algorithm?
www.brookings.eduHow are other stakeholders being engaged?
www.brookings.eduWhat?s the feedback loop for the algorithm for developers, internal partners and customers?
www.brookings.eduIs there a role for civil society organizations in the design of the algorithm?
www.brookings.eduHas diversity been considered in the design and execution?
www.brookings.eduWill the algorithm have implications for cultural groups and play out differently in cultural contexts?
www.brookings.eduIs the design team representative enough to capture these nuances and predict the application of the algorithm within different cultural contexts?
www.brookings.eduIf not, what steps are being taken to make these scenarios more salient and understandable to designers?
www.brookings.eduGiven the algorithm?s purpose, is the training data sufficiently diverse?
www.brookings.eduAre there statutory guardrails that companies should be reviewing to ensure that the algorithm is both legal and ethical?
www.brookings.eduThe end of the resume?
www.brookings.eduHow appropriate might big data analytics decisions be when placing ads?
www.tutorialspoint.comHow to Write an Algorithm?
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slate.comSo are humans and algorithms mutually exclusive then?
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slate.comDoes everyone agree with that?
slate.comSo it?s society?s fault?
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slate.comAnd what?s your take?
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hbr.orgWhy Do Smart Algorithms Lead Us Astray?
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hbr.orgWant to see the other articles in this list?
hbr.orgNeed help getting access?
www.toptal.comPreparing for a technical interview? if you put on your coat before your jumper? do we use algorithms in our everyday lives? are computer bugs? do you program a robot?
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computer.howstuffworks.comwhat exactly are they talking about?
brilliant.orgHow is this possible?
www.investopedia.comThe Stock Market Crash of 1987?
press.uchicago.eduWhat can anthropology offer to contemporary debates about algorithms?
www.datarobot.comWhat are Machine Learning Algorithms?
www.datarobot.comWhy are Machine Learning Algorithms Important?
www.datarobot.comWho Is DataRobot?
www.datarobot.comDidn?t receive the email? machine learning algorithms quickly becoming a part of data to day business operations, what is the best way to deploy them? learning?algorithms can you use? the most common and popular machine learning algorithms? you want to learn more about machine learning, why not check out our webinar?
www.thinkautomation.comBut what is an algorithm exactly?
www.thinkautomation.comSo, what is an algorithm?
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www.thinkautomation.comThat sounds straightforward enough so far, but what is an algorithm used for?
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www.howtogeek.comWhat Are Computer Algorithms, and How Do They Work?
www.howtogeek.comWhat?s an Algorithm?
www.howtogeek.comThat list would have a lot of data, right?
www.howtogeek.comWhat if the individual points don?t really matter, and only the graph itself does?
www.howtogeek.comWhat Are the Differences Between All Those Audio Formats?
www.howtogeek.comWhat is Encryption and How Does It Work?
www.howtogeek.comKnow more than what we highlighted?
www.pewresearch.orgWill the net overall effect of algorithms be positive for individuals and society or negative for individuals and society?
www.pewresearch.orgThe question now is, how to better understand and manage what we have done?
www.pewresearch.orgNamely, how can we see them at work?
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www.pewresearch.orghow do we educate ourselves about the way they work, where they are in operation, what assumptions and biases are inherent in them, and how to keep them transparent?
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www.wired.comWanna Build Your Own Google?
www.wired.comAre sales deals affected by the cycles of the moon?
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www.wired.comWhat do those challenges look like when 88 percent of your field looks nothing like you?
www.sciencedirect.comWhat makes a good learner?
www.verywellmind.comWhy Should You Use an Algorithm?
www.verywellmind.comSo how do you determine when to use a heuristic and when to use an algorithm?
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www.verywellmind.comWhat are your concerns?
www.verywellmind.comHow Do Mental Sets Impact Your Ability to Solve Problems?
www.verywellmind.comWhy Is Math Difficult for Those With ADHD?

See all questions from pages about algorithms