
The end user is the person who ends up using the service or product that has been purchased. E.g when a customer purchases a gift for another person, they only pay for the product or service, but the person they give the gift to is the one who is the end-user.

Exact Match Questions

carrotsearch.comDoes Lingo3G come with end-user applications?
www.linkedin.comWhat end-user technology is in place?
www.ideaconnection.comWho better to invent than an end-user?
industrialsupplymagazine.comin end-user publications?
industrialsupplymagazine.comHow many end-user specialists do manufacturers, reps and distributors have who are not compensated as salespeople?
industrialsupplymagazine.comIf it is an end-user, what do they need to optimize their efforts, reduce their operational costs or enhance their output?

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