branded keyword

When a user’s query includes an exact match, or variation, of a specific company or brand name. For instance, “Search Engine Journal”, “SEJ”, “”, and “Search Engine Journal SEO 101 Guide” are a few examples of branded keywords.

News about branded keyword

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Exact Match Questions

www.storeya.comWhy Do I Need to Bid on Branded Keyword Terms?
splitmetrics.comIs there a place for branded keyword strategy? what about this thing called a branded keyword?
www.storeya.comwaste? of time and money on selecting branded keyword terms?
www.goup.laWhat is a branded keyword?
www.whitesharkmedia.comWhat is Considered a Branded Keyword?
www.quora.comWhat is branded keyword?
www.quora.comWhat is a branded keyword in SEO?
sproutsocial.comWhat else can I do with my branded keyword data?

See all questions from pages about branded keyword